Creating an Address Book

When sending e-mails from whiteboard mode, you can choose e-mail addresses from an address book . You can create the address book by loading a text file of up to 999 addresses through the web control page.
Note: Addresses are displayed in the order they appear in the text file.
  1. Create the text file containing the list of addresses you want to add to the address book. The file must have the following characteristics:
    • Tab-delimited
    • Each line must contain a pair of strings separated by a tab: <name> <tab> <email_address>
    • Filename with a .txt extension
    • Character code must be Unicode
    The text file should look something like this:
  2. Open a web browser on a computer connected to the network and connect to the projector by entering the IP address of the projector.
    Note: You can find the projector's IP address in the projector's Network menu.
    Note: You may need to log in before you see the Web Control screen. If you see a log in window, enter your user name and password. (The default user name is EPSONWEB and the default password is admin.)
  3. Enter the user name and password at the prompts.
  4. Select the icon.
    Note: If you attempt to connect to the Web Control screen via a proxy server, the screen will not be displayed. Make a direct connection to the Web Control screen.
    You see the Web Control page.
  5. Select Whiteboard Settings > Mail > Address Book Settings > Address Book File and select the Browse button.
  6. Select the address book file and select Set. The address book file is uploaded to the projector.
Note: If you need to delete the address book, select Whiteboard Settings > Mail > Address Book Settings > Delete Address Book and select Set.
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