Activity Data Displayed on Your Watch

You can view the following activity data screens on your watch, depending on the activity you are measuring.

Screen Data displayed
Heart rate (ProSense 57)

1: Heart rate zone

2: Current heart rate


1: Progress toward target number of steps

2: Current number of steps

3: Distance traveled

Calories burned

ProSense 17

ProSense 57

1: Progress toward target number of calories (ProSense 57)

2: Current calories burned

Exercise* (ProSense 57)

1: Current exercise time

Exercise time is calculated by your watch from time spent walking slowly and similar activity.

Sleep* (ProSense 17)

1: Sleep time

To record sleep time, enable waking and sleep time in the Epson View app.

Sleep* (ProSense 57)

1: Light sleep time

2: Deep sleep time

To record sleep time, enable waking and sleep time in the Epson View app.

* Automatically calculated from activity measurement results (ProSense 17) or heart rate and activity data (ProSense 57).

Note that the watch does not include naps or sleep times shorter than 1 hour as sleep time.

Related tasks
Reviewing Activity Data on Your Watch
Reviewing Activity Data Using the Epson View App