Product List Values

You can enter these values in the product list fields.

Note: Use only whole numbers when entering life span values.
Value Description
Product Name Name of the product.

For the 40mm and 58mm paper sizes, use 47 characters or fewer.

For the 80mm paper size, use 40 characters or fewer.

LifeSpanEndOfDay Select Yes (or enter Y in the spreadsheet) to set the discard date for the end of the same day the product is ready.
Select No (or enter N in the spreadsheet) to set the discard date according to the life span month, day, hour, and minute values.
LifeSpanMonths Enter the number of months before the product should be discarded.
Note: The discard date keeps the same day of the month as the Ready Date and counts the number of months you enter. If a day (29, 30, 31) is not available in the month, the last day of that month is set as the discard date. Setting a day value may be more accurate than setting a month value.
LifeSpanDays Enter the number of days before the product should be discarded.
LifeSpanHours Enter the number of hours before the product should be discarded.
LifeSpanMinutes Enter the number of minutes before the product should be discarded.
Note: The discard date is determined by counting the life span values in order from months to minutes (unless the discard date is set for the end of the day).
Related tasks
Adding or Editing Individual Products
Editing and Importing the Product List
Selecting the Paper Size