Built-in Tools for Use Without a Computer

The built-in annotation toolbar is embedded in the projector and allows you to draw and write on the projected screen. Make sure the PC Interactivity setting on the toolbar is disabled, if it appears.
Note: A mini toolbar also appears when you press the button on the interactive pen anywhere in the drawing area. You can use the mini toolbar to switch the type of pen or eraser. You can change the function of the button by changing the Pen Button Function setting in the Interactive menu.

Displays the Home screen.

Toggles the video and audio off and on.

Enlarges or reduces the projected image (not available when the screen is split into halves or quarters).

Captures the current screen and copies it to the whiteboard.

Full Screen captures the entire screen.

Select Area lets you select a portion of the image to capture.

Note: If you want to capture the Screen Mirroring image, set Capture to Enabled in the projector's Network > Network Settings > Network Projection menu.

Splits the screen and displays the whiteboard source with the current source (not available when the screen is split into halves or quarters or when the Scale setting is on.).

Specifies the split screen settings (available only when you have split the screen into halves or quarters).

Specifies the horizontal position of the image inside the ultra-wide display (available only when Screen Type is set to 16:6 [BrightLink 1485Fi]).

Displays additional tools.

Mail: Shares the projected screen with an email recipient (set up the Mail settings in the Interactive menu first).

Save: Saves the projected screen (set up the Save settings in the Interactive menu first).

Print: Prints the projected screen from a printer on the same network (set up the Print settings in the Interactive menu first).

Timer: Counts the time up or down.

Volume: Adjusts the projector's volume.

Share Projection: Shares the current screen with devices connected using Epson iProjection.

Participant List: Displays the user selection screen so you can project from devices connected to the projector over a network.

Guidance: Displays the help screen for the toolbar functions. Select Close to close the help screen.

Clear all drawing contents: Clears all current drawings and images and returns the annotation mode to its default status.

Displays the available pen type, thickness, or shape.

(Yellow/Green/Aqua/Pink/Red/Blue for highlighter): Select the color for the type of pen/shape from the options.

Switches to the eraser tool to erase content from the whiteboard. Select the size of the eraser.

Selects all objects and images in a rectangular area. Specify the area by drawing on the projection surface. You can also tap an object or image to select it.
  • To cancel the current selection, tap an empty area on the board.
  • Drag the edge of the area to enlarge or reduce the object or image.
  • Drag the icon at the top of the area to rotate the selected object or image.
  • To perform the following operations, select the icon at the bottom right of the selected object or image:
    • Duplicate
    • Copy
    • Paste (tap the location where you want to paste)
    • Delete

Undoes the previous action.

Restores the action that was previously undone.

Clears all drawings from the displayed page.

Disables touch input temporarily to prevent unintended operation. Tap again to enable touch operation.

Stops screen sharing (available only when projecting a shared image).

Toggles the PC Interactivity setting off and on. Set the PC Interactivity setting to On to control the computer using the interactive pens and/or your fingers (not available when projecting a shared image).

Hides the toolbar. Tap again to show the toolbar.

Follow these guidelines when using the annotation toolbar:

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