Selecting Print and Photo Adjustment Settings

Before printing from your camera, you can make image adjustments and select the print settings for your photos. Image adjustments affect only the printed copy of the photo, not the original file.
  1. Press the home button, if necessary.
  2. Press the left or right arrow button, select Setup, and then press the OK button.

  3. Press the up or down arrow button, select External Device Setup, and then press the OK button.

  4. Select Print Settings and press the OK button.

  5. Select the print settings you want to use.
  6. When you are done, press the  back button.
  7. Select Photo Adjustments and press the OK button.

  8. Select the photo adjustments you want to use, then press the home button to exit.
After you select settings, you are ready to connect your camera and print your photos.